Sunday, September 29, 2013

Bristol Ren Faire Part Deux & Trois!

Brother Jason & I visited the Ren Faire in Bristol on two more occasions this past summer. Click on READ MORE! for pics. Here's the link to our first visit in July.
Incidentally, at the end of the day, there's a pow-wow where everyone comes together and dances for a half an hour. Check it out.
"Merry Meet! Merry Part! And Merry Meet Again!"

Lost...and found.

The prayer book my father was given while serving in the Navy was mailed back to dad by his cousin Paul in Spokane, who had it amongst his things. Dad doesn't remember this, but his signature is on the back. This particular book is dated 1960-61. Dad served on the USS Shangri-La (CV-38), an Essex-class carrier - the 2nd largest in the fleet at that time.

Saint Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received
from God the special power of restoring lost things,
grant that I may find my find which has been
lost. As least restore to me peace and tranquility
of mind, the loss of which has afflicted
me even more than my material loss. 
To this favor I ask another of you: that I may
always remain in possession of the true good
that is God. Let me rather lose all things than
lose God, my supreme good. Let me never
suffer the loss of my greatest treasure,
eternal life with God. Amen.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

make jam. not war.

Can you imagine if countries made jam and had competitions instead of killing each other? Not just jam though - the planting of the shrubs, tending to the bushes, harvesting, freezing. Why do I always have to think of this shit?

Well I did my part today. 32 - 8 ounce jars. That's what 9 quart bags will yield. 12 more jars than last year. Black raspberry...from the gardens here at Glen Mar.

Do you like jam? Probably cheaper in the store. This is special schtuff.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

mom's hops. rick's beer.

Rick Nowak (below), my Uncle Bob Nowak's brother, has been into craft brewing for....two years now, I think. Won a silver medal at a recent competition for his Twisted Belgium. He's brewed maybe 6 or 7 beers and they're tasty. Especially his American Honey Wheat - the honey being supplied by Brother Jason's bees.
Didn't realize until recently that my mother had been growing hops in the front yard on a trellis for years. Rick grows his own hops but he'll never know the difference if we slip mom's in the batch.

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TOP 50 for PASS THE SALT, PLEASE poster art.


So this short film poster website ( took a looksee at 2,500 short film posters and selected their favorite 50.

PTSP made the cut. Congratulation to our graphic artist guru, Doug Tomich, for his creativity & efforts. You can check out the 50 posters here. PTSP is on the bottom row - fourth from left.

Friday, September 13, 2013

#4 debuts with the Minnesota Vikings! 4 years ago today...

Brett Favre had his debut outing with the Minnesota Vikings on this day in 2009. Favre and the Vikings beat the Cleveland Browns, 34-20. Above:  Brett and Percy Harvin after the two connected for a TD. Read about it here.

The NFL - for me - has never been the same. SKOL, Favre!!!