Monday, April 29, 2013


The 2nd Annual Really Funny Horny Goat International Short Film Festival hits the BFT (that's "Big Fuckin' Tent") @ The Horny Goat Hideaway in Milwaukee this Saturday, May 4 @ 7:30 pm.

Everything you need to know about this shindig is here. Come out & play with us.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Soon Shall the Winter's Foil Be Here".

It's true when they say that the simplest things in life sometimes bring us the most joy.

"Soon Shall the Winter's Foil Be Here"
By Walt Whitman

Soon shall the winter's foil be here;
Soon shall these icy ligatures unbind and melt—A little while,
And air, soil, wave, suffused shall be in softness, bloom and growth—a thousand forms shall rise
From these dead clods and chills as from low burial graves.
Thine eyes, ears—all thy best attributes—all that takes
cognizance of natural beauty,

Shall wake and fill. Thou shalt perceive the simple shows, the delicate miracles of earth,
Dandelions, clover, the emerald grass, the early
scents and flowers,

The arbutus under foot, the willow's yellow-green,
the blossom- ing plum and cherry;

With these the robin, lark and thrush, singing their
songs—the flitting bluebird;

For such the scenes the annual play brings on.

(Video shot at Good Hope Cemetery in Greenfield, Wisconsin)

Monday, April 1, 2013

HASHTAG MAYHEM! "Well-paced, well-crafted, well-executed".

(Left to right:  Bryan Damske & Jeffrey James Ircink in CHOKING THE CHOAD IN BEL AIR.)

I've been away from my blog for a bit. Busy producing/acting/directing a series of short, dark plays I wrote under the collective title, HASHTAG MAYHEM! Reviews have been great and I'm extremely proud of the production. This is the first time I've produced my own work - fully-staged - and it was quite the task. The overwhelming satisfaction, for me, is not just the people who attended or the reviews, but it is the reality that what I had envisioned in my head while writing these 6 plays is what I'm seeing on stage. For that, I thank the directors, actors and Aaron Kopec of The Alchemist Theatre. Without their efforts and hard work, my words remain on the paper.

Our 3-week run closes this Thursday-Saturday, April 4-6 at The Alchemist Theatre in Bay View, Wisconsin. You can check out the review which appeared in the paper edition of The Shepherd Express here - as well as an in-depth review by the same author is his theater column. Curtains.

For production photos and detailed information you check out two sources - our production blog, and our Indiegogo fundraising campaign page. And you can still contribute and share the Indiegogo page. 7 days left.

If you're in the Milwaukee area, you can purchase tickets at the door but I advise you to get them online here. I have about 40 people attending on Friday and Saturday (total) and the show may be packed.

Everyone has a dark side. What's yours? Come play with us - or I'll find you. You can bet on it.