Friday, October 31, 2008

"Witch of the Day" Winner Announced!

My "Witch of the Day" has been announced! And the Halloween motif will stay up all weekend as the holiday fell on a Friday...the whole weekend is considered Halloween.

The winner is listed below the two YouTube videos, along with 5 or 6 other stories relating to Halloween which I've intentionally posted there. Just so you don't think nothing new has been written since Tom Waits' "What's He Building In There?".

What is he building in there anyways? Watch the video.

A Scary TGIF! presents...Tom Waits' "What's He Building In There?"!

THIS IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!! Make sure you pause the Imeem Halloweenmusic toward the top right panel. I ran this video last year for Halloween and it freaked people out.

Please don't freak out. Just freak.

A Scary TGIF! presents..."It's the Great Pumpkin"!

My favorite part of the show are the scenes that show Snoopy running through the French countryside. The music, scenery - the mood created is awesome!

Every Holiday has it's Queen; my "Witch of the Day" = FoxSports' Kevin Hench! Yehhh!

Kevin Hench, contributing writer to! Yeahhhh for Kevin. Dildo.

If you wanna know how this douche bag was chosen "Witch of the Day", click on READ MORE! for all the gory details.

(WAIT! There's more...)

Hench's last article for Fox was what would happen if you took scathing political ads and applied them to the sports world. Brett made #1 (out of 10, I believe).

According to the latest above rip, Hench rehashed the same shit stories: Brett denied that the conversation with the Detroit Lions took place, when in reality, Henchie, all Favre said was that the report was "B.S.", not specifically addressing WHAT was B.S. - that he talked to Detroit or the context of his conversation with Detroit. Hench also says Favre will do anything to hurt his former team. Based on what, Hench? He's already said (as has his wife) that that's not true either. And the Packers' are innocent in what was a PR debacle this Spring? Seems like since you're making these assertions about Favre, it's up to YOU to come up with more than just some blanket statements and opinions. And finally, an observant Hench stated that Brett has thrown 11 INTs against 15 TDs. Welcome to Favreland. Where in the hell have you been, Henchie? So, it comes down to who you believe. Look at Hench below without his witches' crown and with it. I'd say Henchie should worry more about his barber than anything that concerns Brett Favre.

I know who Brett is. I don't think many care who you are, Hench. And I'm pretty sure Brett doesn't either.

Here are two recent articles where Hench rips on Favre. Funny how FoxSports columnist Jay Glazer defended his reason for not confirming facts with Brett (regarding his article alleging Favre gave "secrets" to the Lions) by saying Favre would've ran to ESPN and ESPN would've broken a watered down version of the events, thus beating Glazer to the punch. Well, with the animosity the FoxSports writers consistently show Favre, wouldn't you?

Hench thinks he has a handle on Brett's legacy and that it will be ruined by the likes of the Lions' story, Favre's flip-flopping on retiring and the messy "divorce" from the Packers. My question to Henchie is: how do you KNOW all this? Well here's something I know, Hench. Brett will go into the Hall of Fame as one of the greatest QBs of all time (currently owning every significant QB record - and then some - there is).

Henchie's biggest claims are he's a schlock sports writer, he wrote a movie or two, and he's my "Witch of the Day". There is no comparison.

Honorable Mentions:

1) Boomer Esaison - Boomer stated in a recent article that Brett's last 3 games were horrible. OK - the last 3 weeks were: a bye, Oakland (Jets' lost), Kansas City (Jets' won). Favre threw 6 INTs over that 3-week period. Technically, how can you count the bye week? If you don't (which you shouldn't), the game the before the bye was Arizona, in which Brett had one INT against 6 TDs. So, Boomer, Brett's really had two horrible games regarding his INTs - not 3. Learn to count, asswipe.

2) - 4) Mark Kriegel, Jay Glazer and Adam Schein - all FoxSports writers. All assholes. Certainly Schein is as much of a flip-flopper as anyone. Course, that's a prerequisite to being a sports journalism - saying one thing one day and changing it the next. Like Favre unretiring. Hypocrites. They're all FoxSports whores who have a thing for railing on Favre. Now the Fox analysts on Sunday mornings (i.e. Howie, Terry) - they're objective, ex-athletes who speak their minds in one sentence and shut up. No vendettas.

5) Phil Sims - I like Phil but this week he got on 49er's interim coach Mike Singletary for publicly admonishing one of his players who slapped/poked a player on the opposite team during a game. Singletary sent the player to the locker room after the incident occurred and Sims felt Mike took things too far - publicly. I and the other correspondents disagreed with Sims and felt coaches need to be in control of their players. If I were the opposing player, I would slapped the 49er back with an assault charge. Sims? You're a pussy.

6.) Some sportswriter from (related to the San Fran Chronicle) who said Favre's pass to Coles for a Jets' TD against the Chiefs last week was a "lame duck" ball. Hey...asshole "sports writer"...ever heard of a "fade stop" route? That's what that was. Favre put the ball exactly where it was supposed to be. Loser.

Looking for scary Halloween fodder to read the little kiddies tonite? Don't read "The Pillowman".

(Reprinted posts from 10/13/08)

I finished Martin McDonagh's "The Pillowman". Without a doubt, one of the most warped, detestable, screwed up, sick plays I've read. LOVED IT. I wouldn't suggest it for children under the age of 12. And certainly not to a child who might be prone to killing small animals and such.

I'm currently working on a full-length play that may well be considered as equally detestable (I'm not comparing myself to McDonagh in any way). The subject matter, I mean. Some interesting the similarities in plot points.

My Queen Mary Ghost.

I took this this past summer while touring the Queen Mary in Long Beach. I'm not it is a ghost or paranormal sighting and I'm not saying it isn't - it's unexplainable. And I've had several paranormal specialists review this photo and they can't say with any certainty that it isn't a ghost.

Here's the whole story. Hit READ MORE! to see the full story with pictures and a detailed explanation of my ghostly encounter. The ghost is toward the end.

Sofa's to die for. (Heard on NPR.)

You don't have to wait until you're dead to enjoy the comfort of a nice coffin. NPR featured a story this morning on a company in East Los Angeles that effuses the coffin into your everyday life.

This baby - the Cowhide - will run you only $3,500 smackers. Why stop there? Coffin beds? My idea. Always wanted to make love in a coffin with a live person.

A Potpourri of Halloween Pix.

Notwithstanding this most excellent carved jack-o-lantern, From Old Books has some vintage illustrations for any occasion - Halloween, Christmas, travel, the seasons, etcetera. Click on READ MORE! for a few more Halloween-appropriate examples. Thanks, Katie, for pointing me to this sight. Katie/"Katya's" a new writer-friend of mine in Indiana. I truly enjoy her company.

(WAIT! There's more...)

A reluctant taxpayer.

Grotesque face.


Homeless solution = Pumpkin Homes.

Seriously. It's inexpensive. Uses renewable, natural resources. Aesthetically pleasing. Hell - I'd even live in this pumpkin.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Nuru i' Yondo". The title of my newest play.

"Nuru i' Yondo".

'Course that's in code so you'll have to figure it out yourself. I've been working on this full-length for some time and it's just nearing the end - first draft, mind you. I'm excited. I can tell you it's a dark comedy in three acts - with the 3rd act being a very, very dark drama.

And if I've spoken to you already about this play, please refrain from commenting about it on this blog (under COMMENT section) by using it's working title. I have two interested publishers and I don't won't no cats left out of no bags. If you love me, you'll do that for me.

We 'Aren't' Marshall (or we wish we weren't right about now).

Ever see a football player break his leg in the opposite direction? Watch it here.

The visiting Houston team defeated Marshall yesterday (I believe), but the win was a costly one as Houston WR Patrick Edwards slammed his right shin into a cart off the field trying to shag an errant pass.

I'm assuming the ink on the lawsuit paperwork is already dry.

Speaking of football injuries, here's one you may have forgotten. No, not Joe Thiesman. Destry Wright (not Wight, like the article caption says), a free agent out of Jackson State who joined the Pittsburgh Steelers in his rookie year for the 2000-01 NFL football season. Apparently he was trying to earn the 3rd RB spot but he was tackled in a preseason game against Dallas during a routine run around the left end and his knee was snapped backwards, snapping his fibula and dislocating his ankle. Out for the season.

No word on what happened to Wright after that season.

Aunt Ev blows!

...pumpkin seeds, ya bastards! Aunt Ev's my dad's youngest sister. She used to rehearse cheerleading routines in front of us as kids (nieces and nephews - remember Marcia, Jas?) and choreography little variety shows we'd put on for the family. I did impressions. Probably my first taste of what being performing might be like.

5 kids. Married to my Uncle Bob of the Nowak clan for 30 years or so (Uncle Bob's got a sister and brother in WI, a sister in MN, a brother in CO, and his mom, two other brothers and another sister live in Santa Barbara - that's why I always go up there; and for the Santa Inez Valley vino). She teaches dance classes to the elderly, makes the best chocolate chip cookies and can be very young at heart. I think she snuck into the children's division and won (nice one, Aunt Ev). That's my Aunt Ev. Thanks for the clipping, Mom.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"Little garlic, dash of parsley and a couple squirts of chocolate. Cooking - Chloe Metz-style!"

Actress Meredith Monroe guest-starred on Showtime's Californication as crazy TV personality/chef, Chloe Metz. Oh, Lord.

The freaking hilarious scene with David Duchovny is here. Now, there's no nudity but there is obscene language so this link is not for the kiddies. If you have Showtime and missed this episode, you have got to see it (I believe they re-run them). It just ran on Sunday - "Vaginatown".

Very cute - but alas, she is wed. (In case you saw this post earlier, there's a couple stories below that were posted after this: BABY AS SHIELD AGAINST TASER and THE FULL TITLE FOR THE BOOK, "KIDNAPPED".

Would you like to know the full name of the Robert Louis Stevenson novel, "Kidnapped"?

"Kidnapped: Being Memoirs of the Adventures of David Balfour in the Year 1751: How he was Kidnapped and Cast away, his Sufferings in a Desert Isle; his Journey in the Wild Highlands; his acquaintance with Alan Breck Stewart and other notorious Highland Jacobites; with all that he Suffered at the hands of his Uncle, Ebenezer Balfour of Shaws, falsely so-called: Written by Himself and now set forth by Robert Louis Stevenson"

I changed the name of a character in my latest play and the name reminded me of this classic novel. Just so happens that when I was perusing the Internet, I found a site that mapped out the 250 miles (give or take) route that the two main characters of "Kidnapped" - David Balfour and Alan Breck Stewart - might have taken (as close as can be determined by the book).

Suddenly I have a mind to look into making the walk myself.

Chapter 22 - Afraid of being tasered? Use a baby as a shield. (Come on - you never thought of that?)

That's what it says under Chapter 22 - "Survival with People", in the U.S. Army Survival Manual.
Waukesha, WI - Parents were called for a conference last week at their son's middle school because the child had been bullying other students. Tempers flared, words were exchanged, the cops were called by school officials, and when the unruly father resisted arrest, one of the officers pointed a taser at "daddy" - who then grabbed his other child, a 13-month baby, and held the child up as a shield.

Baby's safe. Daddy and Mommy were arrested. The bully son was tasered the next day because he continued his bully ways but he's over the age of 6 so that's OK. Heyyyy...I wonder how much tasers go for these days?

Disclaimer - This is in no way any sort of reflection on my attitude to the U.S. military, of which I have the utmost respect for.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby Grace McCann-Glover.

Here's Grace while looking through family picture books with mommy (Maria). She signs (sign language) "more", "done" and "please". I just love the locks of hair in her face.

Baby Grace's Sheep Doll.

My favorite of all of Baby Grace's dolls - this sheep. "BAAAAAA!", says the sheep.

Magic Castle in Hollywood. If anyone asks I was never there.

The world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood. Private club. Invitation only. Jacket and tie mandatory. No picture-taking inside or you will be asked to leave. Very mysterious. I went with a small group of friends and we had an extraordinary time. Lots of magic shows - very good magic. Theoretically you could go and not attend one magic show, yet occupy hours walking around and checking out the decor, interesting pictures, paintings, vintage posters, etcetera. It reminded me of The Safe House in Milwaukee (another bar) or Harry Potter's school, Hogworts, with alcohol.

Left to right: Bobby (Maria's cousin), Donovan & Maria, me, Susie & Jay. I look short, don't I. I'm 5'10"...above average male height. You'll have to pardon my dishevelment but the dress shirt I wore was not meant for use with a tie or jacket. Should've buttoned my jacket for the picture at least - how gauche. D & M are my closest friends in CA - I go to their home in Tujunga near Pasadena every weekend to watch football on the NFL Ticket. They asked me to be godfather to Gywneth, who is due in December. Their first daughter, Grace, was a year in June and I love her very much. I'm babysitting for her this Saturday.

By the way, Bobby disappeared during the evening and no one could seem to find him. Seriously...we still don't where he is.

If you would like to read more about the history of the castle and see a few more pix, click on READ MORE!

(WAIT! There's more...)

(Text is courtesy of The Magic Castle website.)

The Magic Castle is the private clubhouse for the Academy of Magical Arts, Inc, a very special organization devoted to the advancement of the ancient art of magic. The purpose of The Academy is to encourage and promote public interest in the art of magic with particular emphasis on preserving its history as an art form, entertainment medium, and hobby. Beginning with a charter membership of 150, the Academy has grown into a world-renowned fraternal organization with a membership of nearly 5,000 in over two dozen countries. Steve Martin, Jason Alexander, Cary Grant and Johnny Carson have all performed magic here.

The Magic Castle began its life as a private home built in 1909 by banker and real estate magnate Rollin B. Lane. Mr. Lane owned much of what is now Hollywood, dreaming of turning his land into orange groves, farms and ranches. But a severe drought brought an end to his dreams and orange blossoms never filled the valley. Matter of fact, part of the original driveway that snuck around up to the house from Santa Monica Blvd. (which is a fair ways away) through the orange groves is still there - in the form "Orange Street". How clever.

After the Lane family moved away in the 1940s, the mansion was divided into a multi-family home, then became a home for the elderly, and was finally transformed into a maze of small apartments. By 1960, the fate of the Mansion was uncertain. Then Milt Larsen met the owner, Thomas O. Glover.

Milt was a writer on the NBC TV show "Truth or Consequences." His office was on the ninth floor of a Hollywood office building that overlooked the Lane mansion. Milt's late father, William W. Larsen, Sr., was a renowned magician and had long dreamed of building an elegant private club for magicians.

The Lane mansion would become that club. In September of 1961, Milt and a crew of eternally generous friends and volunteers began the extraordinary task of returning this run-down apartment building to its glorious past. After months of scraping and sanding, the rich Victorian elegance began to resurface.

The Magic Castle opened its doors at 5 p.m. on January 2, 1963. Today more than four decades later, the Castle has become the world-famous "home" to the Academy of Magical Arts, Inc.and their invited guests.

Susie and Maria.

Left to right: Bobby (Maria's cousin), Donovan & Maria, me and Susie & Jay.

Jets Scalp Chiefs in Nick of Time, 28-24. Jets 4-3 / GB 4-3.

Brett Favre and Laveranues Coles huggin' it out after hooking up on a 15-yard fade-stop TD pass - caught one-handed by Coles. The Jets retook the lead with 1:00 left and won the game.

Favre threw to Coles' back shoulder and the receiver quickly broke off his route, made the pivot and pulled in the pass using just his right arm. The drive, which was set up by Leon Washington's 37-yard punt return, went four plays and 46 yards in two minutes, one second. 28-24, Jets.

Favre had rough day, throwing for 3 INT's, so I'm certain he was as thankful to Coles for digging him out of the hole he and the Jets found themselves in as much as for the win. The passes poor choices by Brett (good Brett/bad Brett syndrome) - though the announcers agreed one was thrown to the spot Brett's receiver should've been had the receiver not cut his route short.

The announcers also echoed the sentiment that the Jets were relying heavily on the pass against the Chiefs who are last in the NFL on rush defense. And the Jets had something like 150 rushing yards so it wasn't like their backs weren't gaining yardage.

Which leads me to say that Favre shouldn't have been put in two positions to throw two INT's when the Jets were looking at a 3rd and 2 yards (on both possessions) deep into KC territory (somewhere between the 20 and 30 yard lines).

Favre passed on both - both were INT's. Passes = not good. But he had an open backfield - not even an attempt to keep the Chief's defense honest. And no back to pitch it to if Brett wanted to call an audible. I think they were both bullshit calls by the offense coordinator and Mangini should've stepped in and altered the plays - especially after the first time it happened. Hell, if the Jets don't run for a 1st down, you kick a field goal and get out of it with 6 points (as long as Feeley actually makes his FG's - he missed a 37 yard one earlier).

On Favre's 4th quarter comeback, Coles said, "I believe that's why they brought him in here," said Coles, who played after suffering a concussion last weekend. "No matter what the circumstances are, he always gives you a chance to win. I know he's a little old, but he still can play."

At the end of the day though, a win is a win and people who dwell on Brett's INT's can lick my lingum. Favre managed to joke, "(The interceptions) seem to follow me wherever I go."

Broadway Joe Namath and the rest of his teammates from their Super Bowl team were on hand for a reunion and Nammath went on the television broadcast in the third quarter and expressed some concern "about the overall concept of our team, not the quarterback, right now." Namath continued. "A quarterback is gonna get hit, no doubt about that, but the accumulation of the bumps and bruises must have (Brett Favre) at the most fragile as at any point in his career."

NEXT WEEK: Jets (4-3) at Buffalo (5-2).

California's Prop 8 Initiative: Misleading Ad Campaign is Obsolutely Unacceptable!

Proposition 8 is an initiative measure on the 2008 California General Election ballot titled Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry. If passed, the proposition would "change the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California." Here's a condensed version of the title and summary:

ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME-SEX COUPLES TO MARRY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California. Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Fiscal Impact: Over next few years, potential revenue loss, mainly sales taxes, totaling in the several tens of millions of dollars, to state and local governments. In the long run, likely little fiscal impact on state and local governments.

Forget about whether you're for or against this imitative (I'm against it by the way). My immediate concern is with the advertising campaign IN FAVOR of Prop 8. While watching football yesterday, I saw an ad discussing the "errors" of teaching same-sex unions in our schools and I sent a text to my Republican cousin, Scott, saying I'm voting against it. Watch the ad here.

The basic Prop 8 initiative that will be on the ballot has NOTHING to do with the issue of teaching traditional or same-sex marriages. As you read above, it's about whether or not California will recognize same-sex unions as legal marriages. The fact that proponents of Prop 8 are running advertisements shifting the focus to teaching our children in the school system is a misrepresentation of the basic initiative; it's disgraceful. It's misleading. It should be illegal. Why don't Prop 8 proponents start running ads that say your property values will go down once a gay couple moves in next door? Or that this will encourage gay couples to adopt more children, thus, poisoning the minds of more young children?

I don't like to be lied to. I'm disgusted. I need to bitch at someone.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Women Celebs I Love #5 - Terri Nunn of Berlin (@ The Canyon Club last night!).

FLASHBACK. 1983. The US Festival. A free, 3-day concert. 640,000 in attendance. Terri Nunn and Berlin performs on Day 2 with Los Lobos, Quarterflash, U2, Missing Persons, The Pretenders, Joe Walsh, Stevie Nicks and David Bowie. Their hits include: "The Metro", "No More Words", "Sex (I'm A...)", "Masquerade", and the #1 hit, "Take My Breath Away".

LAST NIGHT. Terri Nunn and her latest incarnation of Berlin perform at The Canyon Club in Agoura Hills, CA. Same place I saw Gordon Lightfoot last weekend and The Zombies in June. It's a helluva venue. Same Terri Nunn. Same songs + new ones. Same voice (actually, I thought she sounded better now). Same charm. Same everything. And I was there - as if 1983 were stretched out over 25 years (me with Terri above). Click on READ MORE!

(WAIT! There's more pictures of Terri, Berlin, a couple videos you won't wanna miss and shots of last night's show.)

Terri Nunn of Berlin fame epitomizes the ultimate rocker chick. Her swagger on stage - to me, her defining trait - is unmatched even by a guy. She was in full voice...honestly, I couldn't tell the difference between her voice in the 80's at Berlin's peak and last night. And the band was right on the money - just younger. Nunn embodies everything sexual and carries a confidence on stage like no other. Had I the invitation from Terri, I would've jumped on stage and made love to her in front of everyone. I'm totally fucking serious.

Here's a couple Youtube video links: "The Metro" in 1983 at Showtime at the Palace in San Fran. - back in the day. I have to laugh - watch the patrons and the bartenders dance. Yeh - that's the way EVERYONE danced back then, people. And "The Metro" today, at Hollywood Park earlier this year (catch out Terri's dress). You may wanna pause the Imeem jukebox on the upper right if you watch these. By the way, "The Metro's" my favorite, can't you tell?

When Berlin first made it big (1982-83) I was a freshman and sophomore in college (Terri's two years older than me). 'Course I remember it and enjoyed it, but I took their music for granted back in the day. Perhaps that's not uncommon - I was living in that moment. As I look back, there was great music in the 80's.

I met Greg and his wife, Sheldon, in line for a meet & greet with Teri. Very nice people. She's an actress from Cleveland and he's a sound dude in the industry from Seattle. Sheldon told me that I look like rocker Tommy friend Nicole in Iowa has been saying that for years. Huh - looks and personality, I guess. I need to find a decent picture of Tommy Lee, I guess. Thanks for taking that shot of Terri and I, Greg!

With a glass of wine in hand, Terri was very gracious in signing CDS, posters and taking pictures after the show - as giving as she is on stage. She made a point to thank the audience for, if it weren't for them - you and me - she couldn't do what she loves to do...and that's perform.
She told the audience about her daughter whom she adopted from Russia; so when I met and talked to her, I related my high school buddy's experience of adopting two children from Russia (the 2nd child this year). The sparkle and love in Terri's eyes upon hearing my story made me realize what a special person she is. As a matter of fact, she dedicated, "Take My Breath Away" to a lady in the audience who just got the word that her adoption of a Russian orphan had been OK'd.

When Terri goes "acoustic", the shoes come off and stay off. This "Women Celebs I Love" piece has been a regular feature on PASSION = TRUTH; I originally began #5 Terri Nunn back in July but just never got back to it. Last night's concert was the impetus to get it finished.

Double vision Terri. Can it really get better than just one?

Commonplace in every concert, Terri jumps on the back of a security dude and sings amongst the audience.

A genuinely appreciative Terri Nunn. She's a perfect example of why I love musicians. They're real. It's the whole PASSION = TRUTH thing (like my blog). You know how they feel and where they stand. Yeh, you might think Keith Richards looks and acts like he thinks he's 22, but he can still play and there's no bullshit about him. He's the way he is. What you see is the truth. Same with Terri.

The book, Cherry Bomb: The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Better Flirt, A Tougher Chick, And Hotter Girlfriend, And Living Life Like A Rock Star, hit the market recently. Author Carrie Borzillo-Vrenna has tips from such girl rockers as Blondie, The Runaways, Pat Benatar, Veruca Salt, Amy Winehouse and Terri. Here's the author and Nunn doing what rock chicks do, I guess.

Berlin today. If I haven't stated it directly, "I LOVE Teri Nunn"!

The original Berlin. In 2003 the members of Berlin's Love Life era lineup got together at the behest of VH1’s Bands Reunited show, resulting in phone conversations between Crawford (far left - main songwriter and ex-lover of Terri's) and Diamond that Crawford credits with inspiring him to begin writing again. Funny how their former manager said VH1 would never get them together (in-fighting) and that the biggest hurdle was getting Nunn and Crawford to agree - then getting Diamond to agree. Well, they did, and every band member was glad of it and couldn't believe how well they played and sounded after so many years of not playing together. Of all the bands featured on VH1's show, the Berlin segment was my favorite - re-inspiring me to their music.